Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, glorious Thursday

And still HOT and humid -- this is supposed to end tonight. I'm hoping it's so, but not holding my breath. Meanwhile, shorts, t-shirts, and sandals are STILL the apparel.....

In other news, all is well here. We've managed another year without evacuation (3 of the 6 summers we've lived here have been evacuation-free, one had a hurricane -- Gustav in 2008 -- keep us from home for over a week, and one had a hurricana -- Katrina in 2005 -- keep us from home for 6 months). I am thankful it wasn't us this year, but I feel for all those who've suffered during the Pacific's season this year.

The girls started their second quarter of school this week, refreshed from a short break. They both earned good grades -- considering the effort they both put in (especially Maggie considering the material she's expected to know!), they truly EARNED the grades. I am quite pleased. I see a trip to Krispy Kreme for our complementary do-nuts in the near future.....

Abby continues to love playing her violin, although she has days she gets quite frustrated with it. I find it interesting and haven't been able to figure out why some days she's OK with difficulties and some days she completely loses her cool. Who know? Maggie's keeping her head up with ballet, though I see the end in sight. She was really hurt by the whole Nutcracker fiasco and I feel for her. On the positive side, she is excited about being able to participate in other activities and is really looking forward to high school athletics next year.

Tom continues to be my perfect balance (no, Tom, I did NOT say you were perfect -- I said you are my PERFECT BALANCE). I am thankful every day for him and all he does for us.

As for me, I've signed up for a painting/drawing class. Should be interesting, especially considering my last foray into painting resulted in a painting of bamboo my daughters are still convinces is palm trees. As somewhat of a joke, I framed it and gave it to my mom -- she actually likes it -- enough to redesign her bathroom in colors so that she could hang it any event, I'm looking forward to starting the class next week.

Today is room-mom and volunteer planning for 4th grade activities. They have an extended study on China this year culminating in a Chinese Feast. The children decorate the room, perform various skits, and we get a catered Chinese luncheon. Enjoyed it with Maggie, looking forward to it with Abby. Then we're home for early dinner followed by taking Maggie and her friend to dance. Time for me to put my feet up for an hour before heading out again -- oh, I still have to empty the dishwasher -- THEN it's time to sit down for a bit.......

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