Monday, October 19, 2009

Another week!

Managed to have a GREAT weekend. Started off Friday with picking Abby up at school, Maggie going with a friend for Halloweenn supplies. We stopped at Michael's (YUCK) for some report supplies and met Tom for "Where the Wild Things Are". We all enjoyed it. Headed home to find Maggie had just arrived (she's definitely getting old -- sent her with $$ and a key to get in the house!). We passed her friend's mom on our street. The rest of the evening was relatively quiet.....

Saturday I was up and went running -- actually "ran" 3.5 miles at my extremely slow pace. Onward to a Ladies' Fellowship for church -- one of the missionaries the church helps support was visiting and talking about her experiences in Pakistan and Afghanistan. While I appreciate the value of missions in terms of helping people with sanitary conditions, fresh water, and education especially where it will help them better their health and standards of living, I have problems with the concept of "making" people accept Jesus as savior (feel free to debate! I'm not an expert.....). My thoughts on missionaries is that their role should be to share how their love of Jesus brings them hope and joy NOW and comfort for the future. But I don't feel at all that we can "make" people accept Christ. In any event, it was wonderful to have the opportunity to spend time with some of the ladies from my church in a different setting and hear about this woman's experiences. Tom, meanwhile, was WONDERFUL in that he not only did the ballet run but made a second trip to Michael's with Abby, saving me that experience. Whew! As an aside, Saturday morning he'd asked me to make him bisquick biscuits. After hemming and hawing I went ahead and did it. Unfortunately, the bisquick was rather old and didn't rise. Think hockey pucks on a plate. So he went to have cereal. Unfortunately again, I'd used the rest of the milk for the biscuits that didn't rise. He ended up with toast. Whoops!

After we were all home (briefly) Saturday, I took the girls to piano lessons and then we were home for the rest of the day. WHEW!

Sunday morning Maggie went to church with me to hear more from this lady. She only spoke briefly Sunday morning, but the pastor began the second sermon in his series on Jacob. I find it fascinating that no matter how much I think I know about the people in the Bible, there's always more meaning in the words than I'd been aware of. In any event, between the worship and the sermon, my "joy-meter" was refreshed. The rest of the afternoon consisted mainly of football -- go Saints!

Today was busy. I actually started dinner cooking last night by soaking the red-beans. This morning I finished them up, after packing lunches and then took the girls to school. Yoga and grocery followed. Then to finish cooking the cassoulet. Bath, serving up tupperwares for all and eating my portion! Then 45 minutes of relaxing before heading to carpool. Bring the girls home, a bit of time there. Tom came home so Abby didn't have to go to ballet. Took Maggie to ballet, went to Starbuck's for a bit, picked Maggie up and came home. Heated her dinner, put on my pjs and washed my face, and sat down. AAAHHHH!!!!! Done for the day!

Variation tomorrow.......

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