Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Joy that is Tuesday

What happened to fall -- it's 90 and feels like a steam room outside. My glasses fogged up when I walked out of the grocery this morning. Sigh.

In other news, it's a typical Tuesday. Went to the gym, 4 miles on the elliptical thingy. Then the grocery since I didn't go yesterday due to rain (thankful we weren't running out of anything!). Home to unpack it all, take a bath, drink some coffee, eat lunch, and here I am, thinking about going to pick up the girls, head to Abby's violin lesson, stop at McDonald's for "dinner" (yikes -- we're not even doing Nutcracker this year and we're still doing McDonald's!), and then figure out what's going on with ballet tonight. With exams, I've told Maggie she can skip a day this week (plus she'll be skipping Saturday due to camping). She originally wanted to skip tomorrow, as her History exam is Thursday and that's the one she doesn't feel as confident about. But her friend and carpool buddy may skip today. SO, that means my afternoon/evening consists of the following alternatives:

1. Let my friend pick Maggie up for ballet at 5:15 and I bring the girls home at 7pm
2. Pick up my friend's daughter at 5:15 and she'll bring them home later
3. Skip ballet today
4. Take Maggie to ballet, head to Starbucks for an hour, then go watch the end of her class and come home

Nice to have options, no??????? Whatever happens, with a gourmet meal planned, I won't be cooking again tonight! Tomorrow we plan to get sushi after school, Thursday I'll cook something, and Friday I think I'm going to make a big pot of spaghetti sauce with meat (maybe sausage?), onion, pepper, and eggplant.........

In other news, there is no other news that I can think of. Tomorrow I go to Bible study, then to purchase new gym wear -- I went out walking Sunday and the elastic in my shorts is about shot.......girls are doing well, I'm so thankful neither is panicking over exams, Tom's got a quick trip to Houston tomorrow, and the beat goes on.......

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