Monday, October 26, 2009

it's been a week.....

Either it was an incredibly busy week OR I was just lazy! Maybe a combination of both, I think. One of my friends put out a blog about the "busyness" of being an at-home mom versus a working mom. She, like me, as done both and it really is amazing how different life seems from both sides of it. I suppose I could have managed continuing working when we moved here, but I am so thankful for the opportunity to be with my girls more -- and fill up all that time I used to use working with other things -- like cooking dinners, ironing, going to the grocery more than once a week, etc. etc. In any event, here's the week that was......

As Maggie's not dancing Nutcracker this year, I'm not able to coordinate carpooling quite as well, so that's taking up a bit more time. Unfortunately, the dancing classes are 5 days a week and occur during "normal" dinner hours or dinner-preparation hours. Therefore, we either do fast food, carry out, OR mom cooks in the morning and makes up convenient boxes for dinner (after eating my portion for lunch! -- at least I get it fresh and not re-heated.....). Mondays and Thursdays in particular are like this. Last week, I made cassoulet which was pretty good (and I have and extra family-sized portion in the freezer). Today it's meatloaf, broccoli, and mashed potatoes.

In any event, back to the busyness of last week. So, Monday included cooking, yoga, grocery, ballet, helping with homework, helping with violin practice, folding towels, carpool (2 trips), etc. Without the carpool I get to spend 45 minutes at Starbucks enabling Abby to do homework in a location besides the car and me to read a book for a bit. Tuesday I had the opportunity to meet with a new group of ladies, all around my age with kids around my girls' ages. It started from a group of MOPS graduates who were looking for a more-formal way to continue their relationships with one another given their kids "graduated" MOPS and were enrolled in different schools. One of my friends from Bible Study invited me. There's some prayer, fellowship, and then someone speaks on a relevant topic. Last week, my friend discussed "Fear" and how it affects children. I really enjoyed the company and am looking forward to the meeting next Tuesday on "Raising Children in Today's Culture". Tuesday continued with Abby's violin lesson followed by a trip to McD's for dinner and then Maggie to ballet. Home by 7:30.....

Wednesday was my Bible Study. I always look forward to this! We're continuing in John and right now are in Chapter 6. The study refers back to the other 3 Gospels as well as tying in the prophecies from the Old Testament. And it's a diverse group of women -- ages from mid-thirties through mid-70s, various churches around the area, various "economic statuses", various "life experiences", etc. etc. It really fills me up mid-week and I value being able to share my experiences with the girls when I get them from school. After school this particular day we took Maggie to the orthodontist and home for ice cream BEFORE dinner to help with the discomfort. Spaghetti (frozen sauce) for dinner for those tender teeth.

Thursday was interesting. I'd been feeling a bit achy and really took it easy Thursday. Tom worked from home. He had his "welcome to my world" experience by going to carpool with me, although he stayed in the car instead of getting out to talk with the other parents picking up kids. We headed from there to a high school open house -- the one Maggie is most interested in. Then home for pizza (ahem, another "order in" day!). Friday was yoga day followed by a quick grocery run. Maggie had girl scouts after school, so Abby and I went to look for some more materials for her school project. Didn't find what she "really" wanted so she's not content to using lego figurines for the "people" in her diorama -- I figured after going to Michael's, Target, and KMart for "people", legos would HAVE to do! We continued and picked up Maggie and headed home where it was dinner (pork tenderloin, rice, and asparagas) and "normal" evening happenings. Saturday started out with a yoga video followed by taking the girls to buy new winter coats. Abby's FIRST TIME since her snow suit we bought in Vienna to have a non-hand-me-down coat (Maggie's when she was Abby's size is quite European in looks.....). I am thankful for Burlington Coat Factory -- living here, they only wear them at most 4 times a year, so I HATE to spend much money on them! However, Maggie's moved into the ladies' sizes, at which point there is a significant difference in price. Picked them up lunch and Cane's and took Maggie to ballet class. Home for a bit, then pick Maggie up and head to piano lessons. HOME FOR GOOD!!!!!

Yesterday (Sunday) was wonderful, aside from missing church. Maggie's girl scout troop participated in Race for the Cure in honor of one of the girls' mom who is currently battling breast cancer. We met and did the 1 mile race first (I was in a jogging mood and jogged it). Then we did the 5K -- I was still in the jogging mood and jogged -- except I walked for about a half mile after mile 2 when the water I drank went down the wrong pipe. SO, I jogged about 4 miles total which, for me, is momentous. And I felt it the rest of the day! Yoga this morning helped, along with 3 advil. In any event, after the race (oh yeah, I also managed to finish before Maggie and her friends who were doing a combo of running and walking), we headed to Le Madeleine for lunch. One of Maggie's friends came home with us for a bit and I took a bath and headed to watch football the rest of the afternoon. Both the Steelers and the Saints (how 'bout that come-from-behind?) won. Tom managed to get both girls some supper as I wasn't moving too well and thoroughly distracted by the TV.......Trouble sleeping due to soreness, but am doing well now.

SO, today has been pack lunch, feed breakfast, take girls to school, yoga, grocery, coffee, cook dinner (eat dinner for lunch), and now I'm here about to go back to school, then head to ballet, heat up tupperware dinners, and put on the PJs for the evening. The joys of staying home......

GREAT week to all!

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