This time the reason for the pain of Monday is achiness (please don't let me be getting ill!), HEAT, and the fact that after the power went off last night I mis-set my alarm for 6am, then just got back to sleep when it went off for the real time. So I skipped the gym, did the grocery run, and sat on the couch all morning. Takes a lot for me to take a day off from exercising (yep, it's one of my addictions), so you know something's up!
Another busy weekend. The girls have truly moved back into their re-done bathroom -- it has officially become a disaster area again. The kitchen table has been hit by a tornado, and there's a hurricane raging in Abby's room. Maggie's "learned" (from me!) how to make neat piles of her stuff along the walls in her room so it looks a bit better than cluttered in the middle of the bed or floor (as in her sister's room). And the pre-teen attitudes are going to make me crazy. Why won't my mom take the girls for the next 10 years and return them after that? Sigh.
Saturday we had our piano lesson as normal. The blessing was that there was NO BALLET classes, and we could sleep in (in my case, a bit after 8am). I take the weekends off from cooking (not that I'm a gourmet cook by any stretch!), so if you want anything that's not quick and easy, we order pizza. HAH. Sunday morning Abby joined me at church (they tend to rotate church attendance with the parents. Tom's still attending the Primitive Baptist Church whereas I'm a member of a local Bible Church). Our sermon was the last in the series on crises in the lives of the OT Saints. This particular one was on Ezekial. The specific crisis that was examined was that of his wife's death. Instead of mourning as per custom, God had instructed Ezekial to get on with his life, keep doing his preaching, and serve as an example to the people. I don't know about you, but even if God told me directly to NOT mourn Tom's eventual death, I'd be a serious questioner. I recognize that we are to put our love and obedience to God above everything else, but that's quite a high bar to live up to, at least for me. I look at my daughters and Tom and cannot imagine doing as Ezekial did -- any takers out there?
On a lighter note, in the afternoon we went to see the musical "Leader of the Pack" about Ellie Greenwich (she wrote "Da Doo Ron Ron", "Chapel of Love", "Leader of the Pack" and many others). Maggie's camp counselor was the dance captain for the show and was in it as well. It was a fun show and all four of us enjoyed it. And it's proved that this is the smallest part of the world I've ever lived in, though it took 4 1/2 years to prove that. I'll explain: I've gotten to the point where not only do I see people I know in places I wouldn't normally expect them, but I also learn that people I know are connected to other people I know through different groups. Two examples -- during Nutcracker last year I was talking with one of the other mother's and found out that she's friends with one of my Bible study friends as they are neighbors and go to the same church. She's friends with another of my Bible study friends as they home-school (I guess there's a network of home-schoolers or something). So, on Sunday, as we park the car we see a family whose daughters go to my daughters' school -- they are also at the show. We walk into the show and I see a different Bible study friend who is there to see a different person in the show. THEN I see the two different people I know talking -- they'd worked together years ago. THEN I read the program and the guy managing the musicians' instruments and audio is the guy that runs the music store where we used to go for piano lessons (and who re-strung Abby's violin last fall). FINALLY, Maggie recognizes several of the dancers (who previously participated in her summer ballet workshop), as well as several people in the audience (who are in her camp group). The only problem with going to the show was that Maggie and I were unable to help again at the vacation Bible school, at which we had fun last week. Sigh.
Anyway, going for sno-balls after camp today as we have NOTHING scheduled after camp all week (of course, we're leaving Thursday morning, so it's a really short week). Have a great one!
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