Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday again

It's already November 5? WOW! Yet another busy week -- they are all that way, I'm afraid!

Monday was the typical carpool/yoga/grocery/cook dinner/eat mine for lunch/car pool/ballet day, EXCEPT Maggie has either had a cold or a reaction to the flu vaccine and was feeling terrible, so she took Monday off. PHEW! Nice to not have to make the extra drive! Tuesday morning I went to the dentist (look mom, no cavities!). Then to a meeting where we had a discussion on raising children in today's society. Quite interesting, lots of "take-aways" for me, and wonderful to be with a group that shares a lot of the same parenting values Tom and I do. I'm certainly not a perfect parent, but some things I see/hear from my daughters alarms me. Or else I'm just becoming even more square in my old age.....After school Abby had her violin lesson AND started the second book! She's playing the last song in the first book (quite a difficult one) for the recital in December and allowing me to accompany her as well. The first song in the second book is quite easy -- she's already got all the notes, needs to work on the rhythm and bowing.....Maggie was still feeling poorly, so I kept her from ballet and we had another early night.

Yesterday was my Bible study -- always uplifting for me, even when we end up sharing personal tragedy -- there's something to be gained from every situation and finding that nugget is what strengthens us. After that I headed to find my sister's Christmas gift -- I'm quite happy with it, we'll see if she's as happy or if it will become MINE! hee hee. Then to get the girls and stop for Chinese food on the way home. Tom was working late, so Abby and I spent the time during Maggie's ballet class at Starbucks and we were home for the evening.

Today is my doctor's appointment and the girls see the dentist this afternoon. Another ballet class this evening, but it's the one time during the week we're able to carpool as there is no Nutcracker practices (the girl we carpool with is Clara again this year). WHEW!!!!!!!

Have a great rest of the week!

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