Sunday, November 22, 2009

Football Weekend.....

What a week! It was certainly crazy-busy around here, but it's that time of year! Abby's school show was this week for the 1-4 grades (lower school). As a 4th grader, her class were the "stars" of the show and had the featured numbers. Along with 3 songs with the entire grade (Sea Cruise, Thriller, and Celebration) she sang with 4 other girls "We Are Family" -- complete with pink shiny dresses and fuzzy boas and silver shoes. The girls were all miked and were adorable. For the other grades, each class had a song/dance routine. The school puts on great shows every year and each year seems to be better than the last. The highlights for me were many -- I loved the 1st graders in bathrobes and shower caps singing "Splish Splash", the second graders as the Beatles (complete with body guards and screaming female fans), the Limbo 1st graders who knew how to improvise when their limbo stick didn't make it to the stage at the beginning of their song, the third graders in western wear doing the "Boot-scootin' Boogie" and "Hoedown Throwdown" (which Tom knew was Miley Cyrus even though I didn't!) AND, the costumes (wigs!) for the third graders who sang "Hair". I took mom and dad to the dress rehearsal Wednesday, the performance Thursday AND the performance Friday. My aunt came to Thursday's show and Tom made it back from Houston to go Friday.

In addition to THAT, Wednesday was Bible Study and Maggie had ballet, Thursday was drawing class and Maggie had ballet, and FINALLY on Friday there was more than a 30 minute stretch to sit down and relax. After taking Maggie's high school application in, picking up our Girl Scout fall products, and dropping of Maggie's camping stuff. She went on a 2 night camp out -- first one without her leaders (with GS provided counselors). She was really looking forward to it and I hope they had fun despite the rain we've had.

Yesterday mom and I watched OSU -- Tom and dad got Maggie's Christmas present, then took Abby to piano lessons (unfortunately getting a flat tire on the way), got the tire fixed. Tom and I met a friend for coffee in the afternoon -- her husband has worked with Tom, they used to live here but are now in Calgary. She's a concert pianist in town to study with her former teacher. She's also from Japan (her husband is British). Really nice for me to meet her. THEN to pick up the repaired tire and THEN for dinner.

Oh yeah, also -- this weekend my church is having a Bible Conference. I was able to attend Friday evening and really found it fulfilling. Today I'm going to both the 9 and 10am services to hear more. THEN for some Saints and a relaxing day. Mom and dad go home tomorrow, we leave Tuesday for Houston. WHEW!!!!!!

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