Wednesday, September 30, 2009

quick update.....

Spa visit with my friend was WONDERFUL!!!!!! Thoroughly enjoyed the massage, LOVED the sugar scrub (I don't thing anyone's bathed me since I was a VERY young child!) and the lying-down shower deal. And having champagne along with a pedicure is absolutely decadent! THANKS Connie for inviting me to share your weekend off! I must admit that I was also glad to make it home for the second half of the OSU game -- Go Bucks! Interesting statistic that there were NO passing yards in the first half. Sort of like the Saints' game Sunday where Pierre Thomas rushed over 100 yards ONLY in the second half (none in the first). Those statistics that you rarely see.....

I woke early on Sunday and took Tom to the airport for his flight to Calgary. After the emotional week last week, I am missing him much more than ever -- feeling a bit adrift and that's not quite "normal" for me. Bible study today helped me find an anchor, but I am still anticipating Tom's return Friday. Sunday continued with church followed by time at home followed by piano lesson and then the Saints' game. I've REALLY been taking the week off from cooking -- on the way home from church we stopped at the grocery and picked up a pizza. Maggie had left-over pizza Monday while Abby had frozen chicken nuggets. Tuesday was McDonald's between violin and ballet, and today we got take-out Chinese (and the girls have left-overs for tomorrow's dinner). Not bad!

Monday was Yom Kippur and my gym was closed. Therefore I started the morning at the grocery and then came home to exercise. Afternoon of ballet. The girl we carpool with is dancing Nutcracker, so our carpool has changed. We're still able to help out with at least one trip per class, but Monday Abby and I ended up staying out in Kenner during dance. We went to Walgreen's for a bit (buying Maggie a new lunch box among other items) and then to Starbuck's for a bit.

Tuesday I was back at the gym, then to the library. At home I framed two stictcheries for the girls' rooms, creating mats and framing them. Tom's got the wire for the hooks, so they are not hung yet. Oh, on Monday I also re-hung the photos in our bedroom to go with the new paint. ANYWAYS, I also ironed Tuesday (thrilling life, no?). As already mentioned, Abby had violin and is starting the last song in the first Suzuki book (which is REALLY hard). So I ordered the new book. Maggie had ballet, but I only had to pick her up.

Today was Bible study which truly was a blessing for me. Am feeling quite adrift. I went running this morning (3+ miles -- not bad for someone who usually walks!). Kind of funny -- while running my cell phone rang. It indicated the caller was Tom (In Case of Emergency). Couldn't figure out why he was calling from Calgary and was even more confused when I answered and Maggie was on the line. Finally I realized that I have the home phone (as well as work and cell) listed for the ICE number. Duh! After Bible study made the big trip to SAM'S. Not my favorite place to go, so I always stock up a LOT. Then to the coffee shop to do my homework. Pick up the girls, pick up Chinese food, home. Maggie went to ballet and then Abby and I went to get here and now, here we are, caught up on happenings in our life. WHEW!

Hoping your week isn't feeling as rough as mine.......

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