Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to School!

A day to celebrate as well as dread -- celebrate as there are no more "I'm so bored" comments (although we've been so busy this summer there haven't been too many of those!) but dreading the onslaught of homework and after-school activities. I did do the "Happy Dance" after dropping the girls off this morning, but I am now looking forward to picking them up and getting the skinny on their days. For Abby, 4th grade means the first time she'll be "switching classes" and having different teachers for different subjects. She also gets a HUGE binder this year and will be receiving letter grades rather than E-Excellent, V-Very Good, etc. For Maggie, 7th grade is a new slate of teachers (at her school, most of the 5th and 6th grade teachers are the same for each year). And, of course, more responsibility. They were both excited this morning and enthusiastic to be back, especially to visit more with their friends.

For me, I went back to the gym. Although what I do can hardly be classified as "weight training", I do use the free weights on a 2-3 times per week basis. Of course, with our recent holiday, I haven't been to the gym in about a month. I'm already sore! Nothing like a big of Advil for the soreness, and I imagine my heating pad will be engaged tonight. After that bit of torture, I managed to take my car for it's oil change (whoo hoo!). Definitely want that taken care of as we're still in hurricane season. Then to the library to pick up a book that I'd reserved, and a quick stop at CVS. Home to fold laundry and a bit of "free" time to read, have lunch, and do this before heading out for the girls. The afternoon will include putting contact paper on workbooks and hearing all about school before making dinner. Ballet doesn't start until after Labor Day, so we've a couple weeks before the hectic schedule ensues........

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