Monday, July 20, 2009

Wonderful Monday!

Well, it didn't start out so good. Got up and it was cool enough to go walking, so I did that. Came home, read the paper, folded towels, took a bath and got ready to go to the grocery with Abby. We got in the car and it wouldn't start. Even more telling, the automatic doors wouldn't work. Verdict: dead battery. So I called Tom (my go-to guy for any "emergency"). And I sent him a text. He called back in about 10 minutes, told him the symptoms, he agreed with my assessment and asked if I had to be anywhere. I said "no" which was true, groceries could wait, aside from a late-afternoon swim lesson for Abby. Then he called back suggesting I call AAA. Duh. We've been members for years and never have used the service. So I called them and within 20 minutes the guy was here. Lots of lovely corrosion on both battery terminals -- he cleaned it up, jumped it and ran whatever diagnostic they have. The car wasn't holding a charge, so he jumped it again and moved it into the street. Since mom and dad left their car (and keys!) Abby and I were able to go to the grocery. We got home to find Tom working on the car -- he went and replaced the battery and then went back to the office -- ain't he the greatest!

Meanwhile, Maggie is in New York with my parents. They left Saturday morning (7:30 flight). I took them to the airport, complete with a medical release, consent-to-travel, passport, and insurance card. I think Maggie called about 5 times Saturday! They saw Mamma Mia Saturday night. Sunday they saw Billy Elliott and LOVED it. Today they went to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. And they've seen their share of colorful characters! They also did a bicycle rick-shaw tour of Central Park. What fun and what memories!

Yesterday I went to church and it was truly and uplifting sermon. II Peter 1:3-4 was the starting point with the overall purpose of reminding us that God keeps his promises. Amen to that! I got home and put on my pjs and had a date with a good book and the couch for the rest of the afternoon. Tom and Abby came home about 1 and also put on pjs. It's always nice to have a down-day! Especially when you are filled with joy inside.

So life continues. Trying to find time to visit with my aunt this week (she's got her grandkids). Not sure when/if it will happen. How is it that life is so crazy? Tomorrow is book-club (not sure if I'll be able to go), violin, and swim lesson. Wednesday we're going to pick up 7th grade books from my friend and drop off 3rd grade ones. Thursday Maggie and my parents get back. Oh, and I need to get Maggie a meningitis vaccine (new law). Of course, there is not enough of the vaccine available for all who need it, so this will be an ongoing project. When I called this morning to the doctor, they had it in, but, of course, Maggie is in New York. Sigh. Another thing to take care of!

In any event, the dishwasher calls to be emptied........

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