Almost another week has gone by and what do I have to show for it aside from slightly older daughters? Just when I think the summer will slow down a bit, it kicks back up into high gear. Tuesday Abby again had a successful violin lesson -- these tend to go up and down. Some days she gets quite frustrated and impatient with herself, other days she's more relaxed and recognizes that none of us are perfect. There's so much going on inside her head! Maggie, on the other hand, wears her heart on her face. Her mood is transparent most of the time, though she tries to be devious sometimes! She still doesn't have a full vocabulary to describe her emotions, and, as she's growing up, hormones are taking over often, but you do know when something or someone is bothering her. Last night she came into the kitchen in tears, this morning there were tears, but she's always quick to recover with a sincere hug and reassurance that it may not get "fixed" the way she wants it to, but it will get better. Abby, on the other hand, is as deep as the ocean sometimes. She takes everything in and you need to listen carefully and sometimes between the lines to know what's going on. As Tom mentioned to me the other day, she's the one with the big dreams whereas Maggie is more like I am -- more practical and living more in today than tomorrow or yesterday.
In any event, Wednesday and Thursday flew by in a blur. Friday was the camp talent show. Maggie chose not to participate, but Abby played her violin. She had me curl her hair Thursday evening and it turned out very cute. Tom came for the show (Abby was #3) but left for the office after her performance. She did quite well which thrilled me! The rest of the acts were varied -- dancing, joke-telling, singing, etc. Two others caught my eye -- one was a girl in Abby's group who sang "Do, Re, Mi". Unassuming looking little girl, but man, what a voice! The Susan Boyle of Kehoe-France camp. The other was a group consisting of a boy in Maggie's grade, his 3 brothers, and a friend playing drums. They did "Soul Man" from "Blues Brothers" -- WELL done and fun for the entire crowd. Of course, not as good as Abby!
Friday afternoon I brought 4 bonus girls home with me -- Tom had come home to work from the house and "hid" in his office from all the estrogen! The girls had pizza and brownies, played in the hose outside, and did whatever else young girls do when they are together. I like that they are at the age where I don't have to do the entertaining!
Saturday was a slow day for me -- Tom took the girls to see "Transformers" in the morning and I did the laundry (I'm pretty sure I got the BETTER end of that bargain!). Went to piano lesson in the afternoon. Today both girls went to church with me, then we went to Target -- Maggie needed a white tank top, Abby needed a b-day gift for a friend, and I bought the drinks for our "hurricane evacuation kit" (in which we already have bottled drinks for the car and can grab whatever snacks are in the house along with the cat and our luggage). Usually I buy these in June, but this year time has really gotten away from me. So we've got the pile of drinks sitting on the floor in my bedroom until evacuation OR October, whichever comes first. I took Abby to a b-day party, came home, then went to pick her up. Tom managed getting lunch for Maggie. Then I took Maggie to VBS with her friend and she'll be back in about an hour. Meanwhile, Tom managed violin practice and dinner for Abby. I think today can accurately be classified as a parenting"separate and conquer" strategy.
Looking forward to seeing my parents this week -- Maggie's looking forward to her trip with them to New York on Saturday. ACH! My child is touring somewhere I've never been......
Best of the week to you!
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