Monday, March 29, 2010

thoughtful gifts

Yes, I know I STILL haven't finished boring you with my Mali stories. Life keeps getting in the way!

Yesterday was my birthday. At this point in life, I don't receive too many gifts (cash is always welcome and accepted!), but I really appreciate the thought people put into gifts. And sometimes "thoughtful" gifts were actually impulse buys, no? In any event, several touched me this year. First, my sister found a really pretty necklace for me in colors I seem to wear all the time (when I'm not in black, hee hee!). Obviously, she knows me, she knows what I like, and she knows what I usually wear. Next, one of my college roommates found a GREAT item for me -- piano music to Simon and Garfunkel's Greatest Hits. And why is that thoughtful? Imagine two students, sitting around with adult beverages, missing home ("Homeward Bound") and trying to figure out why on earth someone would "rather be a forest than a street" ("El Condor Paso")......she found it at a library book sale and recognized it as the perfect present. Finally, the most special: Tom bought tickets to a play for the 4 of us -- a mystery/comedy/spoof on Agatha Christie. Unfortunately, he was called to Holland at the last minute, but my aunt was able to attend. This in itself is a great gift -- it's something the 4 of us can do together and we all enjoy it. BUT, the really special part is that he'd purchased a cake mix and frosting and arranged with the girls to bake my cake after I was in bed the night before my birthday -- so when I woke up yesterday morning, I had a cake! THAT was truly a surprise.......AND a thoughtful gift........

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday, Beth! The cake looks yummy to me :-)
