Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I love Wednesdays. Mid-week fresher-upper of a day, especially during the school year when my Bible Study group meets. I keep mentioning that we're studying the book of John this year and I find not only the book itself interesting, but the discussion was have are so valuable. We come from such different backgrounds, yet all love the same Bible. Wednesday are also the days that my house gets cleaned -- nothing better than that! I am so thankful that we're able to have someone else do the cleaning -- while I like a certain level of clean, I neither have the patience nor am willing to take the time to get it to that level of clean. And we also usually order chinese food for dinner on our way home from school, so no cooking!

Yesterday was, of course, busy, although we were able to carpool somewhat for ballet which gave me a bit more "down time" at home. In the morning was the normal routine of packing lunches, feeding children, doing carpool, and heading for the gym. After that I went to my doctor's office -- our insurance carrier had "dropped" her from it's "list" (no reason why, she's still in the same office, same everything -- go figure). I really like this particular doctor, and wasn't very happy about it. I've been delaying my check-up because I hadn't found a new doctor. Finally, I found one that had been recommended to me by two friends, so I went to get a copy of my records. I was talking to the receptionist and asked whether or not our insurance was covered and she told me that while it wasn't, the doctor was, for existing patients, charging a flat fee for services ($35 more than my co-pay), and sending all lab work to "accepted" labs. So I went ahead and made an appointment. If I ever have a problem that requires other procedures, I will have to cross that bridge. But, for now, I am healthy and happy to be able to see a doctor I like and trust. PHEW!

THEN I went to the library and came home. Had vague thoughts of joining Tom for lunch, but decided to delay until Thursday when I have plenty of time and a "clearer" afternoon. So I relaxed a bit, had lunch, and then headed to get the girls. We went to Abby's violin lesson -- she really loves the violin and you can tell by how well she's playing it. She's going to play in the Christmas recital again this year and is again allowing my to accompany her. Then we came home, stopping on the way for dinner. Maggie was picked up for ballet, then I went to get her at 7 and we were DONE!!!!!

Starting Friday we're having "doctor" week here. Friday we're taking Abby to the doctor to look at her feet -- she's been having some pain and we want to get it checked out. Tuesday I go to the dentist. Wednesday the girls go to the dentist, and Thursday I go to the doctor. For a healthy family, we sure are going to the doctor a LOT!

In any event, have a blessed Wednesday and rest of the week!

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