August 27 and Maggie's survived her first 2 weeks as a freshman and Abby's survived her first full week (plus two days) as a 6th grader. And I seem to still be alive as well, though I certainly haven't gotten back in the groove yet.
Maggie is running cross country again this year, practice every day after school from 3:45-5:15. They run at City Park (for the most part) and she enjoys it although it's so HOT at that time a day! She's taking a slew of honors classes this year and so far is managing her time well. Tom and I were both able to attend the parent's night and meet all her teachers (last year it conflicted with Abby's and he went there and I went to Maggie's). I was "fired" from directing us around the school when we arrived late to the first class (in my defense, the numbering system is strange, especially as both even AND odd numbered classrooms are on the same side, somewhat willy-nilly in my opinion!). And last night was their big "back to school" dance. Every year the Student Council chooses a "theme" and assigns specifics to each grade level. This year it's something like "Dominican Dresses It Up" and each grade has a different salad dressing assigned (get it?). The Freshmen are "French". And they dress up for the dance. Her group of friends decided to be French Artists. We went to Michael's last week and purchased supplies -- foam board for pallettes, t-shirts, duct tape (in green, the "color" for the freshmen), and bandanas to wear around their necks. Yesterday afternoon I picked up 4 of them from cross country practice to come here and shower and get ready. Another 5 then came over and had pizza and got all prepared (including painted on mustaches). Another set of parents came to help transport them all to the dance. And then she went home with the 4 cross country girls for a sleep over (so at least I didn't have to make the 11pm run!). I'd forgotten how LOUD girls that age are.....This morning I went to pick her up at practice for 8:30 and deliver the school books for the other cross country girls. Found an extra pair of shoes in the kitchen -- whoops! And then learned another had left hers in the car as well. We went with one of the girls and her dad for coffee and made our way home.....
Meanwhile Abby had 3 days off after Maggie started school. On the Wednesday before school started they had their teacher visitation and we met her friend Ashley and her mom there, then headed to Starbucks for some drinks. On to the mall (thought about a movie, but nothing we wanted to see and hadn't seen was playing). The girls spent almost 2 hours at Sephora, trying on everything while Lisa and I talked. Got some ice cream and headed home. Abby's taking the 2 available accelerated classes at her school. She has all the same teachers she had last year, but is very happy that Ashley is in all her classes this year. Tom and I were both able to go to her open house as well. It'll be an exciting year for her! She and Ashley are going to spend a day at Maggie's school September 30 to get a taste for what that will be like. And Abby was able to miss all the noise yesterday by going home and spending the night with Ashley (big surprise!).
And while I'm not quite back into the school schedule, I am enjoying myself. Was able to treat myself to a day off Thursday and saw a movie with Lisa -- "One Day" with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess. And now I'm reading the book (hope to finish today). Tomorrow after church Maggie and I are going to a picnic for the cross country team and then it'll be back in the swing again.....
Enjoy the rest of summer!
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