Tuesday, March 1, 2011

stay at home -- yeah, right!

I always thought the term "stay at home mom" to be interesting. No mom I know (aside from one with a newborn!) really stays at home. As my girls get older, it seems I am less and less "at home" (today being a bit of an exception!). No wonder I don't ever really want to go anywhere on the weekend. That said, looking back on the days/weeks/months, it's often difficult to really say what I've done or accomplished. Every week has its "normal" activities for me -- gym, yoga, zumba, grocery, cooking, carpools (with a capital "s" on the plural!), homework assistant, disciplinarian, Bible study, church -- you get the picture. But so much of what is really important is done in stolen moments -- driving in the car (with captive audience) or heating up a dinner that was cooked in the morning in recognition of a 6pm return-home-time. Do I feel fulfilled? Most days. Do I feel intellectually challenged? Sometimes (but when I had a paying job the answer was still "sometimes"). Do I like driving all over the city (NO!!!!!)? Is it worthwhile? Definitely yes -- Abby forgot her lunch in the car yesterday morning and called from school. I was only a few blocks away, so turned around to bring it to her. Walked into the gym (where they gather before the day starts) and was greeted with a smile, a hug, AND a kiss. Not too shabby! So perhaps I can "work" in sweats or jeans most of the time, but I believe I'm making a difference in the world and fulfilling my main purpose. At least for today.....

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this post. I continue to struggle with the stay-at-home mom thing, mostly due to the fulfilling and intellectually challenging feelings (or lack thereof). And I definitely often wonder what in the world I've accomplished! So glad to know I'm not alone...and I guess it's good to know now that it doesn't change much as they get older, ha! But, I agree about the stolen moments and continue to look for them in the chaos of every new day!
