Sunday, August 1, 2010

Vanity......or ode to shape-ups?

I believe we all have something we are vain about. Personally, I don't care if my hair is growing white highlights, I go to the grocery and run other errands after my trip to the gym, before the shower, my house is not neat, my car is certainly not clean (inside or out!), and I still own (and wear!) clothes that I've had FOREVER.

BUT, I do care about something, and that is my fitness. A combination of health and weight maintenance, but I exercise almost every day (unless I'm really sick or we're travelling or something similar). I usually don't succumb to those "get fit quick" schemes, preferring to stick with the tried and true (yep, I STILL have my original Jane Fonda workout ca. 1984). I've never owned a treadmill or a stationary bicycle. I do own small handweights and MANY videos/DVDs. And I just bought a pair of shape-up shoes. While we were in North Carolina my mom bought a pair at Rack Room (instead of paying $120!). The next day I was shopping with my sister and decided that I'd try them out as well. And then I wore them to go walking the next morning. It took a while for me to get used to the "rocking" motion, but I quickly noticed different muscles working -- particularly my calves, upper inner thighs, and rear end. MMmmmmmm, I thought, perhaps there's something to these shoes? The next day I could "feel" that I'd worked something different and wore the shoes again. I've now worn them at home a couple times walking (on the flat ground here rather than the hills of North Carolina!) and continue to feel the different muscles working. Whether or not these parts of my body will become "toned" is still up for debate, but I am happy with my new shoes............

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