Thursday, April 22, 2010

the value of an MBA

Or how I spend my afternoons until the end of next week!

Driving. One of my LEAST favorite things. Especially to the same places over and over. Right now we're gearing up for a violin recital, a piano recital, a dance recital, and a school play. And have the requisite number of rehearsals. While Abby's recitals haven't added to our crowded agenda, Maggie's, unfortunately, have. Not only does she have play practice during school (as she had when she participated in 5th and 6th grades), but they're also meeting after school. AND, she's added 3 hours to her weekly ballet schedule in terms of increased class times for her "normal" class as well as 1 hour 45 minutes to help with the baby class (3-4 year olds). Which means mom gets to make 2 trips to school every afternoon as well as more trips to ballet. Yes, I'm complaining.

BUT, I complain with joy as she enjoys her activities (aside from being exhausted) and Abby has been QUITE cooperative (probably because I let her stay home while I'm driving all over the place!). And Tom's coming through with driving when he's available. As with everything else, this too shall pass.........

Meanwhile, beware the crazy lady driving the charcoal gray Nissan Quest.........

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